Empresas Premium
Laboratories Imperials S.A. De C.V. (LIMSA), is located 70 km from Mexico City south of the Mexican capital within the industrial park of the City of Cuernavaca Valley (Civac). It has the necessary facilities to carry out the different processes under Good Manufacturing Practices for pharmaceuticals (GMP) stipulated in the official Mexican standard NOM-164-SSA1 guidelines of the international conference on harmonization ICH Q7 (International Conference on Harmonization), total land area 1,964. 79 m+ in force, with a total construction area of 1,720.47 m*, of which 645.70 m* are for production areas, 30.48 m* for quality control laboratory and 227.11 m* for general warehouse. These areas are designed for the manufacturing, conditioning and storage of active pharmaceutical ingredients in order to avoid cross-contamination, promote a safe working environment for the product and for our collaborators
Dirección / Calle 13 Este 606, Civac, 62578 Jiutepec, Mor.
CP / 12345
Población / jiutepec
Teléfono / 7773191410
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