Grifols Engineering specializes in the field of biopharmaceutical engineering, working closely with clients and paying special attention to their needs.
We have acquired the experience and know-how over the course of several decades by developing process and facility projects and special machinery for industrial manufacturing.
We have a large experience in facility construction, and already have realized more than 6 parenteral solutions plants. We currently have 3 projects in progress.
We work in two project management models:
- Integral “turnkey” project management for the biotech industry or sterile liquid manufacturing.
- Project management in stages:
o Conceptual design
o Basic engineering
o Detailed engineering
o Implementation and start up
Grifols Engineering also offers the design and construction of tailor made solutions for our clients: the precise application or specific machine which cannot be found on the market. Our filling machines offer to the biotechnological and parenteral solutions market a creative solution adapted to customer needs, fulfilling the highest pharmaceutical standards for the filling of plastic bags.
Our strengths are not only our understanding of the manufacturing processes but also the application of innovative ideas and good Pharma-Engineering practices.
These strengths are unique to Grifols and afford an advantage of reduced time and cost for new facility construction providing a significant competitive advantage.
MARCAS: ingeniería,gestión de proyectos,procesos biotecnologicos,procesos generales,maquinaria,desarrollos a medida,robótica,procesos estandarizados,consultoría,análisis de requerimientos regulatorios,estudios técnicos
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935 710 393
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